This is a copy of a received email in 2012 from a Mechanical Engineer Named Earl
FW: My experience with the SideWinder Sluice (No subject) Ed Eckley Reply all
Thu 10/11/2012, 6:22 PM ... Sent Items Sent Items
________________________________________ From: Earl Young [] Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:29 PM To: Ed Eckley Subject: My experience with the SideWinder Sluice
First off, I am a novice..I contacted Ed and Sharon as I was looking for a sluice to start doing some prospecting with. When I met them, my aresenol of prospecting tools were a single pan I got from the GPA , garden trowel, snuffer bottle and that was it. Was able to join them on a Saturday outing to a local creek bed. I purchased my sluice with no powdercoating as I am not picky on finishes and not concerned with it being pretty, albeit they coated it nicely and I was able to get both ribbed carpet and finer carpet with expanded steel over the top of it. First blush was that I have a degree in mechanical engineering and found the unit to be very well built. The handle is able to be replaced or repaired quickly if need be, the studs holding the carpet and expanded metal can be replaced if rusted or damaged. The flare is also able to be removed if I wanted to add a crash box or extend the unit with another.
Setup of the sluice took maybe all of 2 minutes. Once I cleared out a spot and set the sluice down, the ramped flare helped settle the unit quickly and started flowing immediately. The material that I started running through was classified at approx 1 inch and when put to the sluice ramp, the lighter materials were swept away and the heaviers started moving to the outside of the bends where you could actually see the material being "rolled" while the lighters kept moving on. Within minutes I was watching a couple of small flakes of gold moving toward the 1st bend where it settled immediately under the black sands that were collecting.
Ran through about 5 pans worth of material and called it quits for the day as our water supply dwindled to the point where we couldn't get enought through to wet our whistles.
Cleanup was very quick and took maybe all of 5 minutes. I ended up with approximately 1 cup of concentrates.
Took everything home and was trying to figure out a way to do my concentrates when I remembered an articulating ladder I had that my wife bought and I think I have used it maybe 1 time in the past say 5 years.
Found that the sluice fits nicely and is held in place by the flare..was able to get a decent slope on it. I took out the carpet and expanded metal and fit a hose across the flare. Was able to use the sluice without anything other than the ribbed mat and after 2hrs of running back and forth and getting the water to flow nice and smoothly (remember...I have only what I have seen on the web) to be able to process my concentrates.
I cannot wait to get back out again this weekend. I am having a blast as I am learning more about how to set it up and hopefully will have some really good water flow.
Thank you again Ed and Sharon !!! Excellent product and sure as hell aint made cheaply like most disposable crap nowadays!!!!
This is a copy of a received email in 2012
Re: Dredging (No subject) larry middleton <> Reply all
Mon 8/6/2012, 2:22 PM Ed Eckley ... Inbox Inbox You replied on 8/11/2012 7:25 AM. Yes we did, I like the results so far. Seperating concentrates this week, we saw alot more gold than we have before from the same spot. very excited, took photo'd then dropped camera into the creek.I like the system alot, will keep you updated o n our results. Had lots f people on sunday stopping to look at the sluice. We brought home 10x's the amount of concentrates than we have before, and looks like we did catch alot more gold of all sizes, some pretty big pieces also.
On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Ed Eckley < <>> wrote:
Hi Larry
Sharon and I tried to catch you up at clear creek on Saturday, but we didn't find you guys. We were up there around 11:00 or so.......
Then today, (Sunday), we had to go down to Pueblo to do some grocery shopping for the folks.
Have you guys had the chance to go out and catch some flour Gold?
Please let us know how your doing!
Take Care
Ed & Sharon
-- A Government Big Enough to Give You Everything You WANT, IS STRONG ENOUGH TO TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!! Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
Here is a copy of a received email from Dave Peterson (the creator of the "Dream Mat")This was back in 2013
------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: To:; Subject: RE: NEW VORTEX SLUICE DESIGN Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:25:04 -0600
------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: To: Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 18:04:24 -0500 Subject: RE: NEW VORTEX SLUICE DESIGN
Hello David Thank you for contacting us regarding Vortex Technology. We are not interested in mergers or trade secret sharing at this point because we have many variations of vortex induction sluices, Filed and dated prototypes in existance.
We have several models of Sidewinder Highbankers and Dredges that have proven capable of handling volumes of material exceding 2 cubic yards per hour, across a 3/16 grizzly, and the capture rate of fine Gold, (Minus 100 mesh), is still above 80%.........Keep in mind: That is basically impossible to accomplish with any other 6ft sluice in existance..........We have multiple chambered Lady Luck models that can handle unlimited amounts of feed, (based on size and water volume & velocity). We fully understand the stirring and layering process of Vertical Vortex, because after all: We Created the very first known prototypes, and we have been testing them for over 2 years now!
We pioneered the concept and the numerous variations are intellectual property filed May 2010. If you have conceptual plans pre-dating this, you may be able to proceed with your design and we wish you luck, however, we are not authorizing any copying or reproduction of our Vertical Vortex Induction Technology without a written, contractural agreement.
Thank you for understanding. Respectfully Ed Eckley Sidewinder Sluice LLC Golden Colorado
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *From:* David Peterson [] *Sent:* Saturday, October 27, 2012 3:58 PM *To:* Ed Eckley; Sharon *Subject:* NEW VORTEX SLUICE DESIGN
I recently ran a set of sidewinder sluices w/ a DV sluice in the middle daisy chained together on a creek in Mt. I had a large pan on the end just to see how much heavy’s I was losing. Basically was the cat’s meow. The DV sluice was just a nugget catch cause the water was running very fast & I was prescreening the material. I even caught a pile of mercury. I moved about a ¾ yrd in less than 6 hrs next to some bed rock.
I since then have been thinking. The restricting factor was the feed rate on the sidewinder sluice. I could have moved 3x more if the prescreening process was not on top a 5 gal bucket & slow feed rate as to not overload the sluice (shovelful’s would be nicer than handfulls).
I will be building this proto type this winter in the shop. It is not aspin off or size up of the sidewinder. But is vortex driven. I estimate it can process so much material that a person could feed it in a hydraulicing setup & it would keep up. But since hydraulicing is out lawed & unethical , well keep it sized for the sluice box/dredge world application. Imagine the same results as the side winder, lose no heavy’s, but be able to feed all your material up to a 4” diameter dredge w/ no fiddling w/ screens or cloths, no emptying until your done each day or it overfills w/ heavy’s.
We should sign an NDA & work out something that makes us both happy. I think this could be a great addition to your vortex familt for the clain owners & beach combers in alaska.
David Peterson
Here is a received email from the Philippines in 2017 Note: We never built them a Wash Plant! RE: Letter to sidewinder sluice (No subject) Ed Eckley Reply all
Sat 3/24/2018, 10:08 AM Eduardo Versoza <> ... Sent Items Sent Items Hello Eduardo
Thank You for contacting us about our Sidewinder Sluice Boxes. I will be happy to quote you some prices on Large Units. Perhaps bolt together units in 8ft lengths ?
Cost per unit will depend on whether you want simple river sluices or complete wash plants with stands and hoppers and grizzly screens, etc ..... They require high volume pumps.
We have shipped many of our smaller sluice's to other Countries outside the US, and the shipping is very expensive often times costing much more than the sluice's and parts ..... so that is something that would need to be calculated based on crate size and overall weight, etc.....
Please get back to me with your thoughts about what kind of units you may desire.
Respectfully Ed Eckley Sidewinder Sluice LLC Florence Colorado (719)784-4053 ________________________________________ From: Eduardo Versoza [] Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 1:45 AM To: Ed Eckley Subject: Re: Letter to sidewinder sluice
Hi Ed, how are you today? While waiting for your recommendation on our requirements on the separation of fine gold in our crushing plant operation along Agno River in Alcala, Pangasinan, Philippines, I would like to request for a quotation CNF Manila, Philippines 12 Pcs/Units Sidewinder Sluice (The bigger, the better) so that we can also test its efficiency.
Thank you.
Eduardo Versoza
On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Eduardo Versoza <<>> wrote:
1. Desired cubic yard per hour handling needs – 119 tons classified sand (1/4”) per hour. (Sand density = 1.7 tons/1 m3)
2. Estimated/clay percentage = 5% (our plant is just beside a river (our quarry)) Ed, I would like to apologize for the delay of our conversation/request for I am out of the country for several months. Hoping for your kind assistance of our request.
Conversion 1 m3 = 1.3017 cubic yard
On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Ed Eckley <<>> wrote: Hello Eduardo
Thank you for your interest in our Sidewinder Sluice System. We would be honored to design and build you a large scale wash plant capable of meeting your needs.
I believe you would be very pleased with a large trailer mounted sluice that could be stationed with hydraulic outriggers. The very best way to introduce the aggregate would be through a trommel or a vibratory screen classifying the material to minus 1/4". Depending on the estimated feed rate, The size of the Sluice will be determined and engineered to provide the best possible recovery of ultra fine, (nano gold). Our Sluice Systems are not limited to G-Force, (Gravity), Or Underflow alone, like all of the other sluices out there. By inducing low pressure pockets and reverse spiraling vortices, Our sluices actually layer the particulate matter by specific gravity and continually sandwich the valuables in tiny ribbons that can be easily extracted and evaluated from the collective chambers without stopping the operation.
Please send us your desired Cubic yard per Hr handling needs, and estimated Soil / Clay percentage, and I will be happy to design a system that should exceed your expectations.
Respectfully Ed Eckley Sidewinder Sluice LLC Florence Colorado
________________________________________ From: Eduardo Versoza [<>] Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:50 AM To: Ed Eckley; Sharon Subject: Letter to sidewinder sluice
Dear Ed/Sharon,
I have been viewing several of your videos thru your website/youtube regarding alluvial mining/dredging operation for the recovery of fine gold using your various sidewinder sluice models and I am very much impressed. I have also viewed other videos promoting products of the same but they cannot match your experience, talent and your products. Congratulation!
For your information, we are in the business of producing river aggregates/sand and gravel, with a crushing/separation plant capacity of 100 m3/hr. Our raw MSG (mix sand and gravel) composition is 70% sand and 30% gravel (1/4” to 3”). As per laboratory analysis (see attached), our raw MSG contains an average of 1.7 gm or say 1 gm/ton of fine gold. With the above, I would like to request your assistance to help us recover our very fine gold which are now mixed in our tailings/waste. By using your sidewinder, I am confident that we can recover 80 to 95% of the above fine gold (Revolutionizing the art of alluvial fine gold separation).
Last April of this year, we wrote and asked the assistant of Gold Hog to help us solve our problem in alluvial fine gold separation by using their products and sent attached diagram prepared by our Engineer and absolutely appreciate our sketch/diagram. However, after I watched all of your videos, I change my mind instead. With this, kindly help us the same and specify/recommend (model) fit to our operation. Should you still needs further information for you to arrive to almost perfect recommendations, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us as soon as possible.
More power to your sidewinder (Mother of all sluices), regards and god bless you all.
Eduardo A. Versoza President Leverson Brothers Corporation
Note: 70% of our raw MSG (170 tons/100m3) is classified sand (119 tons.) This 119 TPH classified sand will pass thru our proposed sluice (sidewinder) for fine gold recovery. And see our sluice box design/idea (see attached) for the proposed fine gold recovery from 110 TPH sand. [cid:ii_15d979ff9de26870]
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Here is a received email from Canada Note: Sadly this business closed down before we could get the opportunity to respond.
Retail Inquiry (No subject) Christina Crain <> Reply all
Tue 5/31/2022, 10:18 AM Ed Eckley ... Inbox Inbox Good morning,
My name is Christina and I work for a gold mining supplies store in Quesnel, BC, Canada.
I was wondering if we would be able to carry your product in our store? í ½í¹‚
*Christina Crain* *Retail Store Manager* *<> <. greenrivergoldcorp> <. > <.> <------- *Click on the little Green River Gold Corp.
logo to check out our online store! *​Phone: (236) 424-1020* *Email: ​ * * * *Green River Gold Corp. 3650 Highway 97 N Quesnel, BC ​V2J 5Z1*